Superstar Mahesh Babu might do a special appearance in his brother-in-law Sudheer Babu's under production movie 'Krishnamma Kalipindhi Iddarini.' The story of this film requires a strong personality and with the help of Sudheer, the director of the film, R Chandru approached Mahesh.
According to the reports, after the narration of his character, Mahesh immediately gave nod to the director and is all set to make a cameo. Sources say that Mahesh was seriously impressed with the special role and narration by director Chandru, so without any hesitation Mahesh accepted the offer.
With Mahesh's cameo, the film will also get enough hype and eventually help Sudheer too. The shooting of Mahesh portion will be schedule once, he wraps up Aagadu, added the same source.
(AW: Vamshi)