Stylish Star Allu Arjun who is playing a special role in director Gunasekhar's magnum opus movie Rudhramadevi, has started shooting for the film. Revealing the details Gunasekhar said, “Allu Arjun has joined the shooting of the film. Bunny will be seen as Gona Ganna Reddy and an expensive set has been erected in which we will be filming for the next 40 days. All the main leads, Allu Arjun and hundreds of junior artists are taking part in this schedule of shooting. With this schedule, the shooting of Rudhramadevi nearly comes to an end.”
Gunasekhar who is also producing the movie, is planning to release the film in December. Meastro Ilayaiiraaja is rendering tunes and Thota Tharani is the art director for this historical 3D film.
Anushka is playing the title role while Rana will be seen opposite to Anushka. Krishnam Raju, Prakash Raj, Nitya Menen, Aditi Chengappa, Catherine Tresa are the other main leads in Rudhramadevi.
(AW: Vamshi)