Few days back when director Teja said that he will be doing his next with Universal Hero Kamal Hassan, the tinsel town went gaga over it. He also added that, the film have its launch in November formally.
However, Kamal Haasan on Sunday has clarified that he hasn't signed any Telugu film but revealed that he is in discussion with few directors to do a straight Telugu movie.
Speaking Kamal said, “I haven't signed any Telugu film so far but I'm in talks with directors. Nothing has fallen its place but if at all I accept any film, my production house Raj Kamal International will produce it.”
Kamal also added that he currently busy with Viswaroopam 2 and Uttama Villain films which are slated November and September release respectively.
With Kamal's comments we have to see how director Teja responds.
(AW: Vamshi)