Victory Venkatesh who backed out of Ram Charan's Govindhudu Andarivadele [GAV], remained silent for months and he finally opened up about leaving the project. In fact, it is said that director Krishna Vamsi felt that Venkatesh won't fit the role of Ram Charan's uncle in GAV and then the film unit roped Srikanth for Venky's role.
Adding Venkatesh said, “I immensely liked GAV script and was ready for the role. But it was the makers and director Krishna Vamsi thought my image won't match with Ram Charan's uncle role and so I have opted out of the project.” And that is how hero Srikanth bagged the role of Venkatesh. He also wished that GAV turns out to be a huge hit at box office.
Nonetheless, Venky is riding high with the success of his latest flick 'Drushyam' movie. So all the speculations surrounding Venky's exit from GAV will have a end point now.
(AW: Vamshi)