Powerstar Pawan Kalyan has formally joined the sets of 'Gopala Gopala' movie which is the remake of Hindi 'Oh My God!'. Though the shooting of this remake film started while back and Pawan took time to join the shooting as he will be sporting a new look. Pawan actively campaigned in the recent elections and got a tan too. So in order to get back to his normal looks, Pawan grooved himself.
The shooting of Gopala Gopala is progressing at brisk pace and there are rumors that Pawan Kalyan entire screen presence in the movie is just 20 minutes. But the film unit ignored all these gossips and claimed Pawan will have a lot of screen time compared to the original version. Sources also say that Pawan's character has been designed differently and it will amaze the audience on the silver screen.
A disappointing news for fans is, Gopala Gopala will hit screens for Sankranthi 2015 rather than for Dusshera this year. The makers initially announced that the movie will be hitting screens for October 2014 but have changed their mind not to be in hurry and want to make this film a huge hit at box office. Kishore is directing the movie while Suresh Babu and Sharat Marar are mutually producing it.
(AW: Vamshi)