Finding Fanny is a Bollywood comedy film starring Arjun Kapoor and Deepika Padukone in main leads. The recently released trailer has released an exceptional response and considering this, the makers have decided to premiere it on August 25, much before the release of the movie in September following a positive feedback to its trailer. Finding Fanny is a quirky comedy directed by Homi Adajania and is set for release on September 12th.
Confident about the film, Fox Star Studios' chief marketing officer Shikha Kapur said, "Homi has made an exceptional film with impeccable performances. A product this strong and unique deserves an equally unique marketing approach. Thus, we are inverting the course of the promotions of 'Finding Fanny'. We will be commencing our campaign with the premiere of the film."The film is a comical story about five persons who venture out to find Stefanie Fernandes (Fanny). In the process, they discover a strange sense of solace and love among each other, and end up seeing a point to their previously pointless lives.
-Siva Kumar