Megastar Chiranjeevi's nephew Sai Dharam Tej's third film has been confirmed and 'Gabbar Singh' director Harish Shankar will wield the megaphone for this project. Ironically, Sai Dharam's debut movie 'Rey' is still awaiting for release while the makers of his second film 'Pilla Nuvvu Leni Jeevitham' are planning to release it in October.
'Subramaniam for Sale' is heard to be the title for this film and sources say that even though the title sounds soft, the subject has all the ingredients to strike gold at box office. Post Dussehra, this film might have a formal launch while the pre-production procedures are going on.
For a director like Harish Shankar who mas abundant talent, this is a good opportunity to strike back as his previous flicked bombed at box office.
(AW: Vamshi)