Ram Charan's 'Govindhudu Andarivadele' audio release has been slated for launch on September 15 in Hyderabad. As the shooting of the film is in final stages, the makers have zeroed upon the audio release and the movie will hit the screens two weeks later the music launch. Yuvan Shankar Raja is providing music for this film and it is his first film with Ram Charan.
Currently, the shooting is progressing in London where songs on Ram Charan and Kajal Aggarwal are being canned. The film unit will return to Hyderabad on September 10th and also on the other hand, the post-production and re-recording works are in full swing. Producer Bandla Ganesh is taking utmost care of this film and is leaving no stone to make it a box office hit.
Govindhudu Andarivadele also has Prakash Raj, Jayasudha, Srikanth and Kamalinee Mukherjee in vital lead roles.