In a huge disappointment to the Young Tiger fans, the tinsel town circles say that NTR and Puri Jagannadh film got shelved. The second schedule of the film's shooting was supposed to begin from September 10th in Vizag but till date there has been no sign of any happening. But we have to wait for an official confirmation.
Apparently, Jr NTR is reportedly not happy with the script, nevertheless, he went ahead with the shooting as director Puri and writer Vakkantham Vamsi assured to make necessary changes. However, NTR is heard to be still not satisfied with the script and so called it off. NTR has been low in career with no proper hits over the past couple years and wants to make sure that he delivers a decent hit at box office this time.
In fact this is a good decision by NTR when it comes to script, he definitely saved his time as well as the producer's money.
(AW: Vamshi)