Bollywood actress Chitrangada Singh reportedly met hunk Salman Khan at his Bandra residence and spent as many as two hours with him. With no films in hand and divorce with golfer husband Jyoti Randhawa, Chitrangada is quite low in personal and professional life. So to make the ends meet, Chitrangada is trying hard to bounce back and accordingly she met Salman who is known to give good tips to all those who have approached him.
Right from Aishwarya Rai to latest Jacqueline Fernandez, several actresses have enjoyed a up in their Bollywood career after pairing with Salman Khan and seems like Chitrangada also wants to do the same. If at all this happens, then Chitrangada fortunes will definitely change.
Chitrangada was last seen in I, Me Aur Main opposite to John Abraham and she also sizzled in an item number in Tamil star Suriya's Anjaan. Currently she is playing a special role in Akshay Kumar's 'Gabbar.'
(AW: Vamshi)