Mega Powerstar Ram Charan Tej who just wrapped up the shooting of 'Govindudu Andarivadele' is busy with the post-production work of the film. Seems like Charan is in no mood to rest as he decided to take his next project to sets. We all know Charan will work with director Sreenu Vaitla but all of a sudden, new conditions are bothering the director.
Apparently, Charan is pressurising Sreenu Vaitla to bring Kona Venkat on the radar for this untitled flick, even though Vaitla is uncomfortable. It is an open secret that Kona and Vaitla parted away due to difference and since then Vaitla films started declined. The very recent, Aagadu met with mixed reviews and the collections got hit by the negative mouth talk. Charan who knew Vaitla and Kona is a deadly combination, at any cost want both of them to collaborate for his next.
Also the audiences are getting a impression that Vaitla films are getting routine and he needs to do something here to get back to his usual form. Anyways, we hope Vaitla and Kona have reunion.
(AW: Vamshi)