Bollywood actor Ranbir Kapoor has been discharged from the Breach Candy Hospital on Wednesday morning following his minor surgery on adenoid tonsil. According to sources, Ranbir’s girl friend Katrina Kaif also visit the hospital on Wednesday before his discharge from the hospital.
Ranbir Kapoor was hospitalized due to breathing problem after a day celebrating his 32nd birthday along with Bollywood beauty Katrina Kaif, Rohit Dhawan and some other close friends in Mumbai. 'Roy' actor Ranbir has taken a five day break from his schedule due to minor surgery and hopes to recover soon from illness. According to sources, Ranbir Kapoor has decided for an minor surgery to adenoid tonsil, which was troubling him for long time.
32-year-old Ranbir Kapoor is likely to join soon with Jacqueline Fernandez and Arjun Kapoor for ‘Roy’ movie shooting, while he also busy with some other movies in the line-up 'Bombay Velvet', 'Jagga Jasoos', and 'Tamasha'. Ranbir said he is also looking forward to be part of the football team, as he entered into the Sport Arena buying Mumbai City football club (Mumbai FC). Ranbir was admitted in the Breach Candy Hospital on 28th September and discharged on Wednesday morning.
(Simha Raju)