Director Ram Gopal Varma is in a rush to make more Telugu films these days. Like never before, RGV already came up with three movies this year and one more flick is awaiting for a release. In addition to this, RGV is now planning to take a new project to the sets.
According to the grapevine, RGV could direct Hunk Rana in his next. The film is as usual expected to be in the lines of gangs and mafia but what's new in this film would be something that needed to be watched out. However, Rana is quite busy with Baahubali, Rudhramadevi and Baby [Bollywood] and not sure whether he will sign the film or not.
RGV has been making films irrespective of the results and his next 'Ice Cream 2' is getting for a release.
(AW: Vamshi)