Innovative director Gunasekhar is working day and night for his magnum opus 'Rudhramadevi.' The film's shooting has been wrapped up a month back and is busy with post-production work. Gunasekhar who is also producing the movie, announced that he is planning to release the film in December. However, the film being a stereoscopic 3D one, the post-production is consuming lot of time and we hear from the sources that, Rudhramadevi theatrical release has been pushed.
The film may also not hit for the Sankranthi season and probably in the third week of January, Rudhramadevi might hit the screens. The film is based on Kakatiya warrior queen Rudhrama Devi which has Anushka Shetty playing the title role. Rana Daggubati will be seen as Chalukya Veerabhadra while Allu Arjun is playing a special role as Gona Ganna Reddy.
The first look, making video have garnered very good response and movie buffs are eagerly waiting for the first trailer. Hope Gunasekhar clears all hurdles and bring the movie to box office as early as possible.
(AW: Vamshi)