Bollywood Mr. Perfectionist Aamir Khan might be seen in the second part of 'Robot' which would be directed by ace Tamil filmmaker Shankar. Though strong rumors are floating the B-town, an official confirmation is yet to arrive. But according to the sources, Aamir has given a formal nod to Shankar who recently met him and held discussions about the second installment of Robot.
This will certainly be testing role for Aamir to match Rajinikanth's standards. We can also expect a huge star cast just like the first part. Robot has Aishwarya Rai Bachchan in the female lead role and for sure, Shankar might rope a leading lady of Bollywood.
And we also need to get a clarity whether this second part will be sequel or a whole new plot with more innovative concept. Aamir definitely prefers the hatke subject always and Shankar is also known to come with out of the box concepts, so we can definitely expect a refreshing storyline.
(AW: Vamshi)