The makers of Pawan Kalyan and Venkatesh starrer 'Gopala Gopala' have revealed a fresh update about the film and as per the latest information we have, the film will hit screens for Sankranthi 2015. The first look of 'Gopala Gopala' will be released shortly and the audio release is aimed for December.
The shooting of the film has reached the final stages and according to the makers, the director has done a splendid job keeping Venkatesh and Pawan rapport in mind. Gopala Gopala is the Telugu remake of Bollywood flick 'Oh My God' and Kishore [Dolly] is directing the film.
The film also has Shriya Saran, Diksha Panth and Mithun Chakraborthy playing other lead roles. Suresh Productions and Northstar Entertainment banners are jointly producing 'Gopala Gopala.'
(AW: Vamshi)