Bollywood actress Katrina Kaif attends choreographer Bosco Martis birthday bash in Mumbai on Friday, where she has arrived to party alone without her beau Ranbir Kapoor. A close sources said Ranbir Kapoor was busy with his upcoming movie 'Tamasha' shooting in Shimla and she wasn’t accompanied by her beau.
‘Bang Bang’ actress Katrina Kaif has wore casual in a sleeveless top with ripped denims and gladiator sandals for birthday party. Katrina has joined along with other guests at Bosco Martis residence were Shahid Kapoor, Imran Khan and his wife Avantika Malik, producer Ramesh Taurani, director Vikas Bahl and Maria Goretti in Mumbai.
Filmmaker Vikramaditya Motwane also spotted at the party, while Isha Koppikar looks gorgeous in a short dress as she attended along with her husband Timmy Narang.
- Simha Raju