Nandamuri Balakrishna has performed live singing at Memu Saitham mega Marathon event, which it was praised by entire Telugu Film Industry for his splendid performance. Balakrishna sang a song ‘Chalake Maguva’ from Srimannarayana movie along with female singer Kousalya. Mohanbabu has praised Balakrishna stunning performance and no other actor can perform like this.
The ‘Simha’ actor has showed unbelievable talent of singing with dancing makes Memu Saitam event energetic start and all the Tollywood stars were eventually enjoyed the performance at Annapurna studios in Hyderabad. Nandamuri Ballya has rocked the diaz with his high octane energy at Memu Sitham Telethon on Sunday.
Balakrishna has arrived Memu Saitham event by around 09:00 am on Sunday morning, and he has been seen till the night. He is the first star to join the Memu Saitham theme song from the celebrities and after everyone joined him on the stage to sing.
- Simha Raju