Milky beauty Tamannaah's first look from 'Baahubali' movie has been revealed. On the eve of Tamannaah's birthday, the makers have released the first look and Tammu will be seen as 'AVANTHIKA' in this film. The 'Aagadu' heroine just looked like a fairy, stretching her arms and the background of waterfalls is amazing.
Baahubali is currently shooting in Bulgaria and the main leads of the film are taking part in it. SS Rajamouli is directing the film and is being made with a budget of above Rs 150 crores. Baahubali will be made in two parts and the first installment is expected for Summer 2015.
Prabhas, Rana and Anushka will be seen in other important roles. MM Keeravani is providing music.