Ranbir Kapoor had skipped from his upcoming movie 'Roy' promotions, while co-stars Jacqueline Fernandez and Arjun Rampal have been promoted 'Roy’ on ‘Bigg Boss 8'. According to the sources, Ranbir Kapoor has been enjoying holidays along with his long time girl friend Katrina Kaif in New York, where the couple has celebrate New Year together.
Jacqueline Fernandez has tweeted that ‘hope you guys enjoyed Bigg Boss. thank you, Salman Khan, Colors TV and Arjun Rampal. ‘Roy’ promotions here we go. Director Vikramjit Singh insists that 'Roy' is romantic thriller in between Ranbir Kapoor, Jacqueline Fernandez and Arjun Rampal, where RK will play a role of ‘Roy’ and the actress will be seen in dual role in this love triangle movie. The moviemakers have decided to release 'Roy' in theaters worldwide on February 13.
‘Roy’ lead protagonists Jacqueline Fernandez and Arjun Rampal were promoting ‘Roy’ on Salman Khan's Bigg Boss 8 show during the Grand Finale. But Ranbir was conspicuous by his absence on the show, which indicates RK wants to avoid Salman Khan, who was in fact was Katrina Kaif ex-boyfriend.
- Simha Raju