Glamour doll Sruthi Haasan has been busy these days after scoring back to back hits in Telugu and Tamil. She is currently shooting for more than half a dozen movies in Telugu, Tamil and Hindi languages. She has been endorsing various international brands and is signing item songs when she has been finding time. Along with these Sruthi has been busy with many charity events which made her one of the busiest heroines in the country. She has signed a movie in which Nagarjuna and Karthi are playing the main lead. The regular shoot of the movie has started recently and is going on in Chennai.
The latest news is that Sruthi Haasan has walked out of the project as she could not adjust the dates for the movie. She has informed the makers about her problem and the director Vamsi Paidipally is currently in hunt for a girl who can suit the role of the heroine in this untitled project. Prasad V Potluri is producing the movie on PVP Cinemas banner and the film has been shot simultaneously in Telugu and Tamil. Sruthi Haasan is currently shooting for Mahesh Babu’s Srimanthudu which is in final stages of shoot and the film has been directed by Koratala Siva. She is also shooting for Vijay’s Puli in the direction of Chimbudevan.