The topper of the Twitter, RGV (Ram Gopal Varma) tweeted on the Maggi controversy, saying that, he loves Maggi more than anything.
Upon raising the allegations about the poisonous ingredients in Maggi pack, it was banned for quite some time. But finally, clearing all the examinations, Maggi is back into the market.
Reacting to this, RGV tweeted, “I love Maggi more than Mother Theresa, Narendra Modi and Steven Spielberg.”
“Am glad truth won and the despicable and subversive forces which tried to assassinate the innocent Maggi lost...Jai Maggi” RGV tweeted.
RGV is known for his indirect satires about the ongoing issues of the country. If that logic is taken into consideration, it can be understood that, RGV is severely hurt by the government’s decision of banning the Maggi in the country.
In the past, RGV even criticized the government for banning the porn in the country. His comments at that time went viral and even been on the top of social networking trends.
But this time, RGV is a bit late in case of Maggi. After the product is again out into the market, he expressed his opinion.
May be to avoid the controversy to go more viral, he might have intelligently surrounded Modi’s name with Mother Theresa and Steven Spielberg.
Most of the people expressed their opinion in the comment box, saying that, it would be better if RGV, uses this intelligence in his films and recreate the magic like Shiva, Sarkaar etc.
By Phani Ch