With the intention of collecting the funds for the sake of flood affected victims in Chennai, the Tollywood stars had proposed an event called #Manamadraskosam.
Regarding this, they have visited the posh shopping malls in Hyderabad, to collect the funds. But upon seeing the popular Tollywood stars like Rana, Kajal, Manchu Lakshmi, Madhushalini, Nikhil, Allari Naresh etc, the fans could not stop from rushing to them.
Even the bouncers, who were surrounding the stars, could not control the excitement of the fans, who were willing to get photographs and autographs from the stars.
The event which was proposed with the intention of a social cause, turned into a severe disturbance in the malls. With no other option left, the stars had to cancel visiting other malls, to avoid unnecessary disturbance in the public places.
If the intention is really to collect the funds, it should have been done in other ways, which do not create any kind of disturbance.
There is an obvious scope for the disturbances, when the huge cinema stars are seen in public. Omitting this simple fact, and huge stars entering into the public malls, is just being considered as the publicity stunt, by many.
Even Allu Arjun, is the part of the #manamadraskosam campaign. But if at all, he comes into the public, the size of disturbance would have been bigger. Speculating the same, Bunny stayed away from entering into the public malls. But even then, the campaign is considered as a failure.
By Phani Ch