In the 63rd National awards announced yesterday, Bajrangi Bhaijaan was selected as the best popular film. Excited over this, Kareena Kapoor, the female lead of the film, shared her experience with the media.
Bebo, who is currently busy in promoting her upcoming film ‘Ki & Ka’ spoke to the media and gave the credit of Bajrangi Bhaijan success to movie’s lead Salman Khan and director Kabir Khan.
“Bajrangi Bhaijaan is the greatest film of our times. It spoke a lot about humanity, love, support and integrity. So I am really proud of the film. Of course great going for Kabir Khan and Salman who actually believed in the script and made this film happen," Kareena said.
Bajrangi Bhaijaan, is all about a little Pakistani girl who lost her way on India-Pakistan border and finds herself in India.
Salman Khan, would take the responsibility of re-uniting the girl, with her family in Pakistan. Kareena Kapoor played the love interest of Salman in the film.
The subject, being the sensitive one, had lot of scope to deal with the human emotions. Being tagged as the top rated emotional entertainer, Bajrangi Bhaijaan was applauded well by Bollywood audience, making it occupy the second highest grosser after Aamir Khan’s PK.
By Phani Ch