Yesterday Censor board asked Ae Dil Hai Mushkil' director to chop of three scenes which include Ranbir and Aish. But some KJo some how manged to convince the board. Now in another controversy, there was a intimate picture shared on Ranbir Kapoor's fan page on Instagram.
In the pic, Aish is seen wearing a sheer white top, dark sweater and a pair of knee-high boots and comfortably lying down on Ranbir, who is also wearing a white, unbuttoned shirt and black pants.
While Aish is starring at the camera, Ranbir's eyes are locked on the lady's legs. Definetly their is a crackling chemistry in this picture is quite visible.
Apart from this, YRF also shared Anushka's new still from the flick.
'Ae Dil Hai Mushkil' also features Anushka Sharma and Fawad Khan. The Karan Johar directed movie will release on October 28.
Also Read: Censor Puts a Stop to Ash & Ranbir's Chemistry