Superstar Rajinikanth, who had created a lot of buzz through his recently released movie Kabali, although the movie managed to do above average performance at the box office, is currently working on his upcoming film Robo 2.0, which is in the final stages of shoot.
Earlier, Rajinikanth had to go USA for a medical treatment and had came back, thrashing all the rumors on her health.
Now according to the latest reports, superstar has once again flew to USA and he will be staying for the period of two weeks. According to the media sources the actor is absolutely fine and has gone there for a random health checkup. Although his family members are keeping all the details wrapped, reports said that Rajinikanth will be coming back to India by the end of this month.
Robo 2.0, starring Amy Jackson and Akshay Kumar as a villain, has been produced by Lyca Productions and is set to release during the second half of 2017.
By Prajakt K.