Tollywood’s veteran film director Dasari Narayan Rao was admitted to KIMS hospital in Hyderabad on Jan 30th as he had a kidney failure. He was also put on dialysis and ventilator support.
According to the latest reports, his condition is said to be stable now. Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu and other Telugu film stars including Chiranjeevi, Allu Arvind, Mohan Babu, Murali Mohan and Jayasudha visited the hospital in order to enquire about Dasari’s health.
“Dasari is stable now and is making a quick recovery except with little discomfort while talking. Doctors are also taking special care of him and he will be back to normalcy in two or three days,” said CM addressing a press meet outside Kamineni Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS) hospital on Friday.
Doctors earlier cleared the air about Dasari’s health, saying "he was being constantly monitored and is was out of danger.
“Dasari Narayan Rao, who has been operated for kidney failure, sepsis and respiratory failure is responding positively to treatment, without the need for dialysis. His health is being constantly monitored by a team of experts and everything that is required to ensure his speedy recovery will be done,” read a statement released by the hospital on Dasari’s health.
Dasari Narayana Rao Put on Ventilator Support