Victory Venkatesh is back with his next movie titled Guru and the movie is said to be a sports drama laced with action. Sudha Kongara is the director of the movie which is the remake of Tamil movie Irudi Suttru starring Madhavan. Ritika Singh played the other crucial role in the movie. The shoot of Guru has been wrapped up sometime ago however the movie makers have been waiting for a comfortable release date. Venkatesh released the theatrical trailer of Guru last night in a grand event.
The trailer of Guru looked extremely convincing and impressive. Filled with out and out mass elements throughout, Guru trailer strikes hard. Venky in the role of boxing coach has been dynamic and ruggish throughout. On the whole, Guru trailer is sure an impressive one and is all set to impress the audience big time. Y NOT Studios bankrolled Guru which is all set for release on April 7th all over. Santosh Narayanan composed the music.