Veteran Director B Jaya Passed Away: Veteran journalist turned director B Jaya breathed her last yesterday night due to cardiac arrest. The 54-year-old lady director has been unwell from some time and has been battling for life. She directed movies like Chantigadu, Premikulu, Gundamma gari Manavadu, Lovely and Vaishakam. As per the family members, B Jaya breathed her last at 9.20 PM yesterday. Her husband BA Raju is a famous PRO and worked for over 1000 Telugu films.
With passion on cinema, she turned director after making her debut as a columnist in Andhra Jyothy. She worked hard and proved her skill as a director and received wide reception for her work. She even floated her own banner and directed her films on her own production house. Rest in Peace B Jaya.