Celebrities Pay Homage for Vijaya Nirmala: Veteran actress, director and producer Vijaya Nirmala who had a remarkable journey in Indian cinema passed away during the early hours of yesterday. Tollywood has been left in deep shock with the sudden demise of Vijaya Nirmala. Several celebrities rushed to the Nanakramguda residence of Vijaya Nirmala and paid their condolences to Vijaya Nirmala and consoled Superstar Krishna. Telangana Chief Minister KCR, Chiranjeevi, Pawan Kalyan, Mohan Babu, Mahesh Babu, Rajasekhar, K Raghavendra Rao, C Ashwini Dutt, PVP, Jayasudha, Manchu Lakshmi, Thamareddy Bharadwaj, Sai Dharam Tej, Sudheer Babbu paid their visit.
Murali Mohan, Rao Ramesh, SP Balasubramanyam, Vamshi Paidpally, Sivabalaji, Meher Ramesh, Rajeev Kanakala, Rajendra Prasad, Anil Ravipudi, MS Raju, Gunnam Gangaraju, Anil Sunkara, Charmee and B Gopal were among the others who visited Vijaya Nirmala's residence. Her mortal remains will be kept in Film Chamber, Hyderabad for public visit today. She will be cremated in her farm house in Narsingi today.