Vijay Devarakonda's Liger gets a Rs 200 Cr deal?:- Young and promising actor Vijay Devarakonda is keen to have a pan-Indian appeal. His next film is titled Liger and it is directed by Puri Jagannadh. The film's shoot is expected to resume from July and the pending portions of the shoot will be completed in two long schedules. Liger is carrying terrific expectations and the film will have its release in Telugu, Hindi, Tamil, Kannada and Malayalam languages. Bollywood beauty Ananya Pandey is the heroine and Vijay Devarakonda will be seen playing the role of a boxer in this sports drama that has a cute love story.
As per the update, the makers are approached by a top digital firm for the entire rights of the film. They are said to have quoted Rs 200 crores for the entire rights of Liger. But the makers are yet to take the final call on the film. Manisharma is the music director Puri Jagannadh, Karan Johar are the producers of Liger. The final call would be taken soon on the release plans. Vijay Devarakonda is keen to cement his position in Bollywood after the release of Liger. The film will have a huge dose of action. He also signed a film in the direction of Sukumar and he has one film lined up with Shiva Nirvana.