Teenage girls went ga – ga when Siddharth’s first film Boys was released. And yes, not to forget Siddu’s extra – ordinary film, “Bommarillu”. Off late, the Actor is experiencing with a “Series” of flop films. Now, it is said that Naga Chaitanya has become a Threat to Siddu. Keeping mixed reviews about his acting skills aside, with the success of his films 100% Love and Yem Maya Chesave, Chaitu is the next lover boy of Telugu Industry. Fans are expecting more “feel good films” from Naga Chaitanya.
This is affecting Siddu’s career. Till date, Siddarth is the only Hero who is known for doing classy films. Now, Naga Chaitanya is known for his class image. Films critics are also saying that Siddarth’s career have almost come to an end atleast in Telugu films. Only his latest flick “180” has to decide the Actor’s existence in the Industry.
One should believe that keeping the bad choice of Siddarth about his films, Siddu is definitely multi – talented when compared to Naga Chaitanya.
No offense to Chaitu, however.