Some say Pawan has quit ‘Dabanng’ remake ‘Gabbar Singh’. Some say the film is going to start soon. But fans are eagerly waiting for the film to start. Earlier, it was announced that, ‘Gabbar Singh’ will be produced by Ganesh Babu, who produced ‘Teenmaar’ with Power Star. Kajal Agarwal will be acting opposite Power Star. The film will be directed by ‘Mirapakaya’s’ Director, Harish Shanker will be directing the flick. Actor Ajay will be playing Pawan’s Brother. Devi Sri Prasad will be composing the Music Scores.
Don’t know what happened. No one is talking about ‘Gabbar Singh’. Not even the people associated with the film are revealing any information about this flick. On the other hand, Director Harish Shanker is waiting for the film to start and not accepting any other film.
Hope ‘Gabbar Singh’ goes on sets, soon.
Hope ‘Gabbar Singh’ goes on sets, soon.