Siddharth is pairing up with ‘Leader’ fame Priya Anand and ‘Ala Modalaindi’ fame Nitya Menon, in his latest flick ‘180’. The film will be released simultaneously in Telugu and Tamil. Jayendra is the Director of this film. The film is going to hit the Silver Screen, soon. In the recent public appearance, talking about the film and the Hero Siddarth, Priya Anand is all praises and very much excited about acting with Siddarth. The Actress says; ‘I am very much looking forward for the release of the film. I play a character that is close to my heart in the film. I am acting opposite Siddarth, adds more on to my excitement. Actually, I am Jealous of Siddarth in a way. He is an amazing Actor, excellent Singer, a Handsome Hunk and most important a cool dude. I have also learnt Carnatic Music for some time. After Seeing a Singer – Actor like Siddarth, even I want to sing in films further”. Looks like the Actress is still not aware or it does not matter to her about the Live – in Relationship of Siddharth – Sruthi Hassan.
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