Definitely, this is the sigh of relief to Tapsee. Recently, the actress is said to be suffering from a bad phase, when she got to know Kajal Agarrwal replaced her in Tamil Actor Surya Starrer up coming film. Another reason is Tapsee will soon have another rival from her own family, her sister Shagun will be debuting as a Heroine. However, the actress has got the sign of relief, when Tapsee’s sister Shagun, expressed her disinterest in working in film. ‘my sister has got her portfolio shot, long back. And this was just for doing some modeling assignments. She has come to Hyderabad, just for a visit and spends some time with me. Shagun is not at all interested in getting into films. and even I am not recommending her to any film maker’, said Tapsee.
Tapsee can however, not overtake Kajal, atleast she has succeeded in withholding her sister from getting into films. As of now, Tapsee is working with Gopi Chand in the film ‘Mogudu’, that is directed by Krishna Vamsi.