Very few actresses are as lucky as Deepika Padukone. The model turned actress made her debut in B –T own, with a much rewarding role opposite B – Town’s Baadshah, ‘Shah Rukh Khan in ‘Om Shanti Om’. The film turned out to be a block buster success, so as deepika’s career as a Heroine. The Actress was very clever enough in choosing her films and kind of characters she plays. Though Deepika appears as a Ultra Modern girl in every film of her, the actress makes sure that she has definitely more to do rather than just appearing in songs and some sequences in the film.
The Actress is now playing a lead role opposite Super Star Rajni Kanth, in the forthcoming film ‘Rana’. The shooting of the film that was kept on hold due to Rajni’s ill health has now started again. It seems as of now, some sequences and song on deepika is being shot. Rajni will soon join back the shooting.
This film’s director, K.S. Ravi Kumar, is all praises for Deepika’s professionalism and passion towards work. It seems, there was a song sequence that required deepika to dance in a mud. Had it been any other popular Heroine, she would have been cribbed about doing such kind of sequence. But, Deepika did not made a tiff about anything, happily did the sequence.