Well known South Indian Actor and Voice over Artist, Sai Kumar’s Son Adi made his debut as a hero in T – Town, with Vijay Bhaskar’s directorial, ‘PremaKaavali’, the girl acted opposite him was noticed for her charm. IshaChawla, was much talked about as the title of the film itself is based on her role in the flick.
The film attained success, but Hero Adi was not benefited with the success of the film. till date, there was no news of this hero’s fourth coming film.
But, seems like ‘PremaKaavali’ fetched positive to IshaChawla. The girl is now acting opposite comedian – hero Suneil in ‘PoolaRangadu’. Isha has just signed another film opposite ‘King’ Nagarjuna’s nephew Sushanth, who shot into fame after ‘Current’.
What seems to be a reason for a blast to Isha is that, the actress just has been confirmed as a second lead opposite Jr. N.T.R in BoyapatiSeenu’s directorial ‘Dammu’. The main lead of the film is still in under the hold, after Sruthi Hassan opted out of the film. ‘I am more excited even by thinking that I am acting opposite ‘The’ hero of T – Town, Jr. N.T.R. what would any other new comer like me would expect for? I am more than happy the way things are going on in my career’, says IshaChawla.
Good, Isha seems to be lucky enough to make her career which will soon turn promising.