After taking the Tollywood by surprise by announcing his next project as Hindu epic Ramayanam, Preparations for Ram Gopal Varma's 'Ramayanam' are in full swing. Ram Gopal Varma swept the public off the floor by stating that king Akkineni Nagarjuna is doing demon emperor Ravana.And now, the buzz is the director-producer had taken Gopichand and Anushka Shetty on board. The two are thus understood be doing Lord Sri Rama and Goddess Sita respectively.
It is known that Ram Gopal Varma's Ramayanam is a contemporary drama depicting the rivalry between corporate houses of Ayodhya Group of Industries and Lanka Group of Industries.
Currently Ram Gopal Varma is gearing up for his Bejawada starring Naga Chaitanya and Amala Paul. The movie is hitting the screens on December 1.