The Real Hero of Telugu is all set to be launched into Kannada in a supporting role in `Ko Ko.’ The actor who had proved his detractors wrong at all levels has got excellent emoting skills on screen. From villain to hero and then to crucial supporting role, Sri Hari is an actor of caliber.
On his foray into Kannada, he said, `I am not easy with Kannada. I practiced the dialogues, which were given to me in Telugu. Any day, I am comfortable doing a Telugu film.’ The versatile Telugu actor is reportedly impressed by the strength of the script and the role he portrays in the film.
Ko KO was always in news ever since announcement. The music was appreciated by none other than our own Power star Pawan Kalyan, who is close to the music director Ramana Gogula. It seems the Power star praised the audio of the Ko Ko to heavens.
Ko Ko Kannada romance film genre starring Srinagar Kitty and Priyamani in the lead roles. The film is directed by Chandru. Ramana Gogula is the music director of the film. Bhasker and Adhi have jointly produced the venture under Bharani films. The film is releasing today.