There was a news in the recent times that Mega power star Ram Charan's entree into Bollywood with a film named as "Zanzeer" which is a remake of BigB's classical hit film in the year 1973.As per the film makers the regular shooting of this film will start in the middle of April. However now the most recent buzz is that in this film Zanzeer Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra has been roped as female lead role in opposite to Mega power star and more over reportedly that Priyanka has been offered with an whooping amount of Rs 11 crores. Earlier there was a buzz that Deepika Padukone will play the female lead role opposite Charan, but Now Priyanka Chopra seems to be confirmed as the female lead role for this project.Soon we will get the official announcement from the filmmakers. As this film will be directed by Apoorva Lakhia.And producing by Amit Mehra in affiliation with Reliance Entertainment.
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