Prabhas 'Rebel' finally get its release date. Till some days ago, it was expected that the movie would release either on 15th August or 19th August. However, as per the latest gossips in film nagar, the movie's release has been postponed to 23rd September. This time, many cine folks are expressing their confidence on the latest release date of the movie. However, we still need to wait for the official announcement on the movie's release date.
Tamanna and Deeksha Seth are pairing up with Prabhas in this movie. This is going to be an out and out commercial mass entertainer. Lawrence is composing the music of this interesting project besides directing it. Marthand K. Venkatesh is taking care of the editing responsibilities. J. Bhagawan and J. Pulla Rao are producing this movie.
Hope ‘Rebel’ would turn out to be positive for Prabhas…