As tomorrow is the release of the Actor's fourth coming film, 'Krishnam Vande Jagadgurum'... the movie has been a talk of the industry, right from the launch... Krissh being the director of this flick, the title, Nayanatara-RaNa's pairing and the story line of the film being highlighted on one of the major issues that has been the hurdle for the society... many other factors put together, has created a much needed craze for 'KVJ'...
On top of this, RaNa's dialogue that he delivered during the audio launch and that are being aired in the trailers as well are creating much expectations on the role of this Actor and the film as well...
In this regard, RaNa appears to be very much confident on the success of the film... he says audience would like the film for sure and their purpose of making 'KVJ' will survive for the better...
It has been couple of years, RaNa made his acting debut and till date acting in 5 films, in Telugu and Hindi... no film could bring him a commercial success...
Ab dekhna ye hai ki will 'KVJ' stand out to be a first commercial success for RaNa???