Renowned filmmaker Mani Ratinam joins with Mozart of Madras, A R Rehman to churn out another classic. Kadal in Tamil and Kadali in Telugu, is all set to hit theaters this weekend. The music which is already a craze among youth has hyped the expectations on the film. With the count town speeding heart beats, this film is surely a decent piece to watch on big screens, claim sources.
Refreshing Tulasi Nair brings fresh feel to the Woods being the daughter of yesteryear super starlet Radha. However Tulasi got a sensuous tag in the first film itself with an alleged lip lock with hero Gautam Karthick, son of an yesteryear hero. Unfortunately the film had a 'U' certificate confirming that the alleged kiss scene is not a part.
There is not an hour with out the repetition of the songs, Nenjukulley and Elay Keechan on the FM, entertaining all through while driving in Chennai. (Wishesh AarKay)