Actress Tamanna, till recently was considered to be lucky enough. The actress apart from managing to bag a star heroine ka status in South film Industry, made a promising appearance in 'Himmatwaala' remake, the role done by Sridevi in the original version and also earned positive reviews for her performance in this recent release.
But, looks like Tamanna is facing the problem now, with 'Himmatwaala' ka collections going down after the second week of the release of the film, Tamanna is worried about her efforts in the film will go un noticed if the film does not manage to bounce back with the success.
The actress is already on her way, talking about heroine is not only responsible for the result of the film and not calculating the success and failure statistics, the film makers should consider the hard work and talent of the heroines when they chose the lead ladies for their films...
Hmmm... clever.