It was in the air that Bharatiya Janata Party is planning to rope maverick director Ram Gopal Varma from Hyderabad constituency against MIM Asaduddin Owaisi. Squashing all the baseless rumors, RGV tweeted that he is not contesting from anywhere however did not rule out political entry.
“Reports suggesting that I am contesting against Asaduddin Owaisi are false,” tweeted RGV in his Twitter account. But BJP is trying hard to pull him in and is expected to take the support of Shiv Sena, RSS and VHP from the old city to take on Owaisi.
RGV has close friendship with Shiv Sena in Maharashtra and this would act like an advantage for him, if RSS and VHP extend their support in Hyderabad. So far BJP hasn't finalized their Lok Sabha and Assembly candidates from the state as it is waiting for an alliance with TDP.
(AW: Vamshi)