‘Delhi Belly’, coming from Amir Khan’s Productions, has already managed to bag a reputation of Adult comedy, and even the film makers agree to it. Thanks to the trailers, songs and lyrics, people who like watching Adult Comedy are eager to see the first show of the film. Here is the last minute news about the flick. Though ‘Delhi Belly’, promises to be a entertainer with all those abusive words required, the film makers have toned down, and chopped some of the abusive words, as they found them to be very rude and not acceptable by Indian audience, though the film will be watched only by adult. However, the English version seems to remain the same, without any editing’s.
Whenever the characters use all those ‘F’ words and more abusive words, the film makers have made the editor of the film, to tone down the voice of the characters. So, in order to get all those ‘gaalis’ right, you have to carefully see each and every shot of the film, without even letting your eye lids down.