‘Anjana – Anjana’ the film starring Ranbir Kapoor and Priyanka Chopra, released some time back. The songs and the pre promotion about the film created much hype, but the same did not help for the success of the film. As per B – Town buzz, there was a solid affair between the lead pair Priyanka and Ranbir, during the shooting of the film, as Priyanka was single at that time and Ranbir has a tendency to date almost all the heroines who act opposite him, so dono mil gayein. But, after the release and the disaster the film turned out to be, even the much talked about affair of PC and RK went to rocks.
Now, after all these months, this duo has teamed up again to act in another forth coming film, titled ‘Barfi’. Ileana is debuting opposite Ranbir as a Second Heroine in B – Town. As per the sources, Priyanka and Ranbir, both of them are behaving like an ‘Anjana – Anjani’ on the shooting sets. The duo is not even in talking terms. Ab, if there is itni ‘Kadvaahat’ between both of them, then on – screen romance to gayaa, ‘rocks’ mein!