Farhan Akhtar's super hit movie, Dil Chahta hai, which had been a new wave of the Bollywood movies when it was released is to make it to the big screen again. It is not a remake, or even a re-release. So how else can it be on the big screen? When a director gets the permissions to use a part of the movie in his film. A new movie starring Rahil Tandon, Chal Pichchure Banate hai, is to feature clips from the movie showing the trio Aamir Khan-Saif Ali Khan-Akshaye Khanna. The producers of the movie opined that the clipping from the movie would form an essential part of the movie's theme though very short.
In the movie, the lead character, Suraj Kumar, played by Rahil Tandon is screened as a big fan of Aamir Khan who is also an aspiring movie actor. Like most other movie fanatics, he makes sure that he never misses the first day first show of the movie. Suraj also chooses to espouse a high paying job in the UK to pursue a career in movies.
In one scene of the movie he would take his childhood love Melrena (Bhavana Ruparel) to the movie Dil Chahta Hai. It is where the producers needed a clip from the original movie and hence a permission from Ritesh Sidhwani, the producer of DCH, the picture that defines friendship. Farhan and Ritesh were generous to have readily agreed to the decision. They had also made time to watch a few parts of the new movie CPBH.
Producer Mandal Jain said that Aamir was a style icon for the youth who all are inspired to be like him and that is the reason they chose Suraj to be portrayed as a fan of Aamir. Clips where Aamir, Saif and Akshaye are cutting one-liners together were used in the movie. Another scene which also features the trio playing a song in the background was also taken. "I am thankful to Farhan Akhtar and Ritesh Sidhwani for promptly granting us permission to do so", he said.
(AW- Anil)