Recently married to her Nawaab, Saif Ali Khan, Kareena Kapoor Khan looks forward for a busy time ahead, not as a home maker but as a heroine... the Actress will be starting shooting for her two films back to back... in February, Kareena will shoot for her film, titled Satyagraha in which she plays a Journalist turned Politician... the look of bebo in this flick is much talked about from now itself... according to the sources, bebo will be given a modern look in this flick, unlike our Politicians are shown in Hindi films...
after wrapping up with the first schedule for this film, Kareena will shoot for another untitled film with Dharma Productions... Bebo will unite with Imraan Khan for the second time after ek mein aur ek tu in this film...
With lots of work in hand and some more projects in pipeline, this is going to be a really very busy year for Saif's begum...