One of the heroes of Karan Johar's latest release, 'Student of the Year' Siddarth Malhotra seems to be getting some good offers. This Actor has been finalized to play the lead role in ‘Hasee toh Phasee’ being directed by Vinil Mathew and co produced by Dharma and Phantom. Now, it has been announced that Karan Johar has chosen Siddarth to play a lead role in his venture with UTV, being directed by choreographer – director Remo D' Souza.
Well, this is not the sequel for ‘ABCD’, but is a complete action based entertainer that is being made on the lines of Hollywood’s one of the talked about film, 'Fast and Furious'.
So, Karan Johar’s support is really proving positive for a new comer like Siddarth Malhotra.